Wednesday 30 December 2015

8 Things You Should Never Touch at a Restaurant

The table
 The table
Charles Gerba, a professor of microbiology at the University of Arizona, found significant numbers of E. coli and coliform bacteria on restaurant tabletops — enough to present a danger to the public — particularly young children, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems. And the bacteria numbers were even higher after the tables were wiped down, suggesting a direct connection between dirty rags and bacteria. The solution? Ask your server not to wipe your table before you sit down. 

The menu
 The menu
It’s hard to avoid touching a menu — which is probably why they’re some of the germiest things in any restaurant. Think about how many hands touch them on a daily basis, and how infrequently the menus are cleaned (or replaced). Also, restaurant staff may wipe down laminated menus with a rag. (Remember how filthy those are?)
A 2013 study found that menus are an ideal vehicle for different types of bacteria. E. coli can survive on a laminated menu for as long as 24 hours, and salmonella for as long as 72 hours. Donna Duberg, an assistant professor of clinical laboratory science from Saint Louis University, suggests paying attention to how your menu feels. “If there is visible food on the outside or if it feels ‘sticky,’” she tells Yahoo Health, “it is most likely harboring germs, bacteria, and viruses from everyone who has sat there or worked there over the last few days.” Be safe and give your hands a good wash after ordering (and before eating).

The ice in your drink
 The ice in your drink
Like a cold drink? Restaurant ice makers aren’t cleaned nearly as often as they should be (ideally once a month), and may harbor bacteria. The bottom line? Ask for your soda without ice — your stomach will thank you.
(Photo: Getty Images)

The lemon and lime wedges in your drink
 The lemon and lime wedges in your drink
Whether you request it or not, restaurant drinks often come with a slice of lemon or lime. But a 2007 study found that 69.7 percent of lemon wedges tested showed some type of microbial growth — either on the rind or the flesh. Why? By the time it reaches your drink, that piece of fruit may have been handled by multiple people — plus, there’s no way to ensure proper handwashing practices have been followed. Although it won’t be as tasty, it’s wise to take that beverage straight up.
(Photo: Getty Images)

The ketchup bottle and salt and pepper shakers
 The ketchup bottle and salt and pepper shakers
“These are most likely never wiped off — and if they are, it is with a cloth that has been used to wipe off the table, chairs, trays, and has been ‘rinsed’ in a tub of dirty water,” Duberg says. Beyond that, it’s impossible to know who touched these before you (and whether they washed their hands). You’ve got your antibacterial wipes, right? If you need that ketchup, give the bottle a once-over before squeezing.
(Photo: Getty Images)

The tray
 The tray
Just like the condiment bottles and menus, trays are rarely wiped down (and when they are, it’s with that same rag — yuck). Duberg suggests you avoid touching your tray as much as possible. “When eating in a fast-food establishment with trays,” she says, “I use hand sanitizer before touching my food, and never touch the tray after I sit down until after I am done eating.”
(Photo: Getty Images)

The buffet
 The buffet
Yes, buffets are as dirty as you thought they were. “It is a rare day when I will eat at a buffet or a salad bar,” Duberg says. “There are very few assurances that the food has been kept at the proper temperature (hot or cold); the remaining food from the container being replaced is often scooped into the container of fresh food, and the serving utensils are usually reused over and over again.” These latter two actions can carry bacteria, which have been multiplying all day, from one batch of food to the next. All you can eat? It may not be worth it.
(Photo: Getty Images)

The bathroom
 The bathroom
It seems obvious, but the bathroom is often a reflection of how clean the rest of a restaurant is. Duberg suggests checking to see whether there’s a cleaning schedule posted on the door. “And use the sniff test,” she says. “If it smells dirty, it most likely is — wash your hands with lots of soap and water, dry with a paper towel, use the paper towel to open the door, and use hand sanitizer at the table before eating your food. Reminder: People who are not feeling well often go into the bathroom to vomit or have diarrhea, and may not wash their hands as well as I do.”
(Photo: Getty Images)

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Top 15 Artificial Islands – Amazing Man-Made Islands

There is something mystic about islands. Islands stand in solitariness amidst all the infinite blue waters. Islands were once enamoured in mystery. Today, due to the advancement of science, man has mastered the art of making their very own artificial islands. All over the world, there are some incredible man-made islands. Man has put together beauty and utility. Let us look at some of the most incredible artificial islands in the world.

15. Thilafushi

 Thilafushi- artificial island 

Thilafushi is an artificial island in Maldives, to the west of Malé, in Maldives. Geographically a part if the Vaadhoo channel, it is located between the Kaafu Atoll’s Giraavaru and Gulhifalhu. Built on reclaimed coral reefs in 1992, it is a dumping ground for over 300 tons of rubbish. Reportedly growing at a rate of about 0.92 square meters a day, the landmass has attracted entrepreneurs.


14. Balboa Island

 Balboa Island, Newport Beach 

The Balboa Island in Newport Beach of California is a chain of three modified or artificial islands that include the Balboa Island, Little Balboa Island and Collins Island. There is a bridge that connects the Balboa Island community to the mainland, with ferryboats further connecting the two. With about 3,000 residents in 0.52 square kilometres, it is one of the densest communities in Orange County.


13. Artificial Islands for Tokyo Disneyland

 Islands for Tokyo Disneyland 

Tokyo Disneyland is an internationally famous theme park in Japan, set on a man-made island in Urayasu, Chiba. The Tokyo Disney Resort is one of the greatest tourist spots, and it is the first Disney park built outside the United States, and it celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2008. The island resort has five hotels within walking distance from the themed areas, as well as four Japanese airports.


12. Willingdon Island

 Willingdon Island in Cochin 

The Willingdon in India is the largest artificial island in the country. It is a part of the city of Kochi, in Kerala. Much of it is claimed from the Lake of Kochi, constructed by filling in dredged soil around a natural island that existed previously. It is important as the home for Port of Kochi and Kochi Naval Base, as well as other establishments. There are several hotels and business centres on this island.


11. Venetian Artificial Islands

 Venetian Islands, Florida 

The Venetian Islands project in Biscayne Bay are a chain of man-made islands, connected by bridges from the Miami mainland to the Miami Beach in Florida. One of the most prominent sets of islands, among the many artificial islands in Miami, the islands include Belle Isle, Rivo Alto, Di Lido, San Marino, San Marco and Biscayne. The Flagler Monument is an uninhibited picnic island built in 1920.


10. Kamfers Dam Island

 Kamfers Dam Island 

In the Kamfers Dam lake of South Africa lies an artificial island in the shape of a giant “S” in the north of Kimberley. It has been an important breeding ground of Lesser Flamingos since its construction by Ekapa Mining using 26,000 tons of material, back in 2006, with almost 50,000 flamingos living on this island. However, due to deteriorating water quality and rising water levels, the island is in danger.


9. The Pearl-Qatar

 The Pearl-Qatar 

The Pearl-Qatar is a man-made island of almost 4 million square meters, in Doha, Qatar. The first land in Qatar available for freehold ownership by foreign nationals, this island saw an increase in its population from 3,000 in 2011 to 12,000 in 2015. Developed by United Development Company, the project is expected to accommodate great entertainment facilities for residents as well as tourists.


8. Artificial Islands of Uros

 The Uros Floating Islands 

The islands of Uros, Peru, are made from reed growing along the edges of Lake Titicaca, Puno, by bundling these reeds into floating island platforms. Each of these artificial islands have 2-10 reed houses, depending on the size. The biggest island has a watchtower. But, tourists are affecting the traditional culture of the Uros people. Environmental and health issues are also on the rise, here.


7. Spiral Island

 Spiral Island 

Spiral Island in Mexico is a floating man-made island, in true sense of the term. Built by British artist Richard “Reishee” Sowa back in 1998 using more than a quarter-million plastic bottles, it got destroyed by hurricane Emily in the year 2005. However, he started rebuilding the island to make it bigger and better. Since 2008, a replacement island named Joyxee Island has been open for visits.


6. Peberholm


Peberholm is an artificial island in the Danish part of the Öresund strait as a part of the Öresund Bridge which connects Denmark with Sweden. This small but picturesque island was built to have a crossover point between the bridge and the tunnel that had been built for an obstacle-free link between Sweden and Denmark. Only biologists are allowed annually here, to preserve its ecology.


5. The THUMS Islands

 The THUMS Islands 

The THUMS Islands in San Pedro Bay are a set of man-made islands off the coast of Long Beach, California. Built in 1965 to tap into the East Wilmington Oil Field, these are the only decorated oil islands in the US, with tall structures to conceal the drill rigs including The Condo, a waterfall and significant landscaping. Island Grissom and Freeman Island are among the most beautiful of these.


4. Amwaj Artificial Islands

 Amwaj artificial Island Bahrain 

The Amwaj Islands I Bahrain are a group of man-made islands in the Persian Gulf. These islands were reclaimed from the shallow seas. These are a pioneering project to offer 100% freehold ownership to expatriates in Bahrain. It has recently become fit for residential purpose, with complete infrastructure, complete with commercial and residential buildings, hotels, and a circular marina.


3. Île aux Cygnes

 Île aux Cygnes 

The Île aux Cygnes in France is a small artificial island in the Seine in Paris, located in the 15th and 16th arrondissement. Formed in 1827 in order to protect the port of Grenelle. There are three bridges crossing it, and a tree-lined walkway. One of the major features of this island is the one-fourth scale Statue of Liberty replica, which faces in the direction of the original Statue of Liberty in New York


2. Palm Islands

 Palm artificial Islands 

The Palm Jumeirah is one of the three sets of man-made islands, the Palm Islands, on the coast of Dubai, in United Arab Emirates. This archipelago was built using land reclamation by a UAE government owned company, Nakheel. Shaped like a palm tree, it is the original and the smallest of the three Palm islands of which the other two are incomplete, extending into the Persian Gulf.


1. The World Islands

 The World artificial Islands 

The World Islands in the Persian Gulf is another of the many sets of artificial islands in Dubai. This archipelago is made of small islands which are placed roughly in the shape of the world map about 100 metres apart. They are composed of sand which is dredged from the shallow coastal waters of Dubai. It was originally conceived by the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

There are several other artificial or man-made islands, and many more on their way. These artificial islands may be the new answer to the growing need for land. The population today has grown to the point that landforms all over the world are not enough. Apart from that, these islands can also serve as the platforms for several other purposes, including industrial, scientific, ecological and other needs. Many other purposes can be served by these islands, if planned properly. Scientists seem to believe that they may even solve the problem of rising water levels. To top it all, the artificial islands add to the aesthetic value of the world.

Monday 7 December 2015

Netflix and Chill is Probably Rotting Your Brain

Netflix and chill doesn’t do you any favors. (Stocksy)

You’ve heard the mantra before: “TV rots your brain.” But new research has found it might actually be legitimate.
According to a study published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry, binge-watching TV in your 20s is linked to cognitive decline 25 years down the road.
For the sweeping study, researchers asked 3,257 people between the age of 18 and 30 to answer questions about their TV and exercise habits during regular check-ins over 25 years. At the end of the 25 years, scientists evaluated participants’ cognitive function via tests that measured processing speed, executive function, and verbal memory.
Here’s what they found:
  • 10 percent of people watched three or more hours of TV each day (for at least two-thirds of the check-ins). They were significantly more likely to do poorly on the tests.
  • People who did the least amount of physical activity (less than 2.5 hours a week) also performed poorly on some of the tests.
  • People who showed the most cognitive decline were heavy TV viewers that didn’t exercise much or at all — they were more than twice as likely to perform badly on the tests.
That’s startling news, given that the average American watched five hours of TV a day in 2014, according to Nielsen data.

Thursday 26 November 2015

10 Most Expensive Mobile Phones in the World

These are 10 Most Expensive Mobile Phones in the World.

10. Vertu Signature Diamond

 10 Most Expensive Mobile Phones  

Exclusive luxury phones from Vertu. Vertu is very famous for its luxury mobile phone products, including mobile phones Vertu Signature Diamond is included in order to-10 list of the world’s most expensive mobile phones. This phone is made of platinum and claimed the best assembly process is done by hand, not machines. Phone decorated with a pretty fancy diamonds produced only 200 pieces. The price of this phone is $ 88,000.


9. iPhone Princess Plus

 10 Most Expensive Mobile Phones  

iPhone Princess Plus has a feature that is not much different from other Apple iPhone mobile phone, which makes this into the top 10 most expensive mobile phones in the world. This iPhone is designed by famous designer Austria, Peter Aloisson. Beside the gold, this special iPhone flavour comes with no less than 138 princess cut and 180 brilliant cut diamonds with a weight of 16.50 – 17.75. And according to Peter Aloisson, the diamonds have the best quality, so owning such a device is quite a remarkable thing. It’s price is $ 176.400.


8. BlackDiamond VIPN Smartphone

 10 Most Expensive Mobile Phones  

At no. 8 in the world’s most expensive mobile phone is Sony Ericsson’s Black Diamond. Jaren Goh created this stylish concept for Sony. It features mirror detailing, polycarbonate mirror and an organic LED technology. Of course, when it comes to Sony, nobody can challenge the screen results. It is decorated with two diamonds, one on the navigation buttons and the other in the back of the phone. The price of this phone is $300,000.


7. Vertu Signature Cobra

 10 Most Expensive Mobile Phones  

Vertu Signature Cobra ranks seven of the world’s most expensive mobile phone. The designs are quite exclusive with the existence of forms such as the Cobra snake on the phone side. Designed by French jeweller, Boucheron, the ritzy phone features one pear-cut diamond, one round white diamond, two emerald eyes, and 439 rubies.


6. Gresso Luxor Las Vegas Jackpot

 10 Most Expensive Mobile Phones  

This phone comes from a traditional purveyor of a luxury handsets – Gresso, and is called Luxor Las Vegas Jackpot. This phone was established in Switzerland in2005. It is made of solid gold weighing 180 grams. The back panel is made up of African backwoods that is more than 200 years old. That wood is the most expensive wood in the world. Its keys are made of sapphire crystal. And it costs a cool $1 million


5. Diamond Crypto Smartphone

 10 Most Expensive Mobile Phones  

Based on Windows CE, this smart phone was designed by luxury accessories maker Peter Aloisson. This unique object de art is priced at a crisp $1.3 million and is tagged as the costliest in the world. This one features a cover adorned with 50 diamonds, 10 of which are the rare blue ones. Apart from this, it also features s few sections made in rose gold as well. It also gives protection against kidnapping and technological blackmail.


4. GoldVish Le Million

 10 Most Expensive Mobile Phones 

Goldvish “Le million” is designed by renowned designer Emmanuel Gueit, who designed lots of luxury watches and jewellery. The most luxurious and expensive mobile phone, “Le Million” Piece Unique, had launched in Switzerland. This phone awarded by Guinness World Records as the world’s most expensive mobile phones sold in the Millionaire Fair in Cannes, France in September 2006. Often referred to as the world’s most expensive phone at $1.3 million, this designer phone is bejewelled with 18k white gold and 20 carats of VVS1 diamonds


3. iPhone 3G King’s Button

 10 Most Expensive Mobile Phones 

For the third most expensive mobile phone in the world is still occupied by a variant of the iPhone, named King’s Button iPhone 3G. The renowned jeweler from Austria Peter Aloisson is the creater of this phone. 138 diamonds are installed on this phone that makes it worth $2.4 million. The beautiful white diamon of 6.6 carats serves as the home screen button which enhances the beauty of this phone.


2. Supreme Goldstriker iPhone 3G 32GB

 10 Most Expensive Mobile PhonesFor the second most expensive mobile phone in the world, a variant of the iPhone from Apple, the Supreme iPhone 3G is priced at $ 3,200,000. The iPhone 3GS Supreme features a casing made from 271 grams of solid 22k gold and a screen trimmed with fifty-three 1-carat diamonds. The home button is covered with a single rare 7.1-carat diamond. That’s not all, though—the iPhone 3GS Supreme comes in a chest carved from a single block of granite and sports Kashmir gold and an interior lining made with nubuck top-grain leather.


1. Diamond Rose iPhone 4 32GB

 10 Most Expensive Mobile Phones 

The world’s most expensive iPhone to date is the 32 GB iPhone 4 Diamond Rose by Stuart Hughes. With a price of about $8 million the phone’s bezel is made of rose and approximately 500 individual flawless diamonds that total over 100ct. The back is also rose gold and features the Apple logo all decked out with 53 additional diamonds, while the front navigation button is platinum with interchangeable single cut 7.4ct pink or rare 8ct Flawless diamonds in the center.


Tuesday 24 November 2015

Who is Lucy the Australopithecus? Five facts you might not know about the oldest hominid ever discovered

A sculptor's rendering of Lucy when she was alive, displayed at the Houston Museum of Natural Science in Texas
A sculptor's rendering of Lucy when she was alive, displayed at the Houston Museum of Natural Science in Texas Dave Einsel/Getty Images

The 41st anniversary of the discovery of 'Lucy' has been celebrated with a Google Doodle.
'Lucy' is a collection of fossilised bones that once made up the skeleton of a hominid from the Australopithecus afarensis species. She lived in Ethiopia 3.2 million years ago.
First discovered in 1973, the discovery was remarkably 'complete' - 40 per cent of her skeleton was found intact, rather than just a handful of incomplete and damaged fossils that usually make up remains of a similar age.

Shortly after being dug up, it became apparent that Lucy was a significant find with researchers saying she belonged to a previously unknown species.
In honour of 'Lucy', here are five things you may not know about her:

1. She was named after The Beatles song 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds'

After making the discovery, paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson headed back to his campsite with his team.

He put a Beatles cassette in the tape player, and when Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds came on, one of the group said he should call the skeleton Lucy. "All of a sudden, she became a person," Johanson told the BBC.

2. Lucy walked upright

One of the most important things about Lucy is the way she walked. By studying her bones, in particular the structure of her knee and spine curvature, scientists were able to discover that she spent most of her time walking on two legs - a striking human-like trait.

3. No one knows how she died

The few clues we have about Lucy's cause of death can only rule things out, rather than provide solid answers.
There's not much evidence of teeth marks anywhere on her skeleton, suggesting she was not killed and scavenged by other animals after she died. However, there is one tooth mark from a carnivore on the top of her left pubic bone - but it's not known whether this happened before she died, or whether she was bitten after.

4. Lucy still lives in Ethiopia, near to where she was found


The skeleton of Lucy lies hidden away from the public in a specially constructed safe in the National Museum of Ethiopia in Addis Ababa, not far from where she was discovered.
Only a plaster replica of her skeleton is available to be seen by the public.

A copy of Lucy's skeleton, displayed in the Musee de l'Homme in Paris

However, the real skeleton was taken on a tour of the US from 2007-2013, despite fears that the tour would damage it.
A number of other plaster casts of Lucy's remains are dotted around the world.

5. She was pretty short

Australopithecus afarensis may have walked upright and looked somewhat human-like, but they were much smaller than we are.
Lucy died as a young but fully grown adult, and stood only 1.1m (3.7ft) tall and weighed in at a paltry 29kg (64lb).

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Go Ahead, Drink More Coffee

Go ahead, have that third cup of coffee. (Stocksy)

New research from Harvard University has found it may decrease your risk of dying from a host of diseases — and even lower your risk of suicide.
For the study, which was published in the journal Circulation, researchers analyzed coffee consumption of more than 208,000 people over 30 years, as well as cause of death. Their coffee drinking was assessed every four years using food questionnaires.
Researchers discovered that people who drank one to five cups of decaf or regular coffee a day had a lower risk of mortality than those who didn’t. They were specifically less likely to die from heart disease, neurological diseases, Type 2 diabetes, and suicide. (They did not find a significant association between cancer and coffee consumption.)
Coffee consumption has already been linked with a lower risk of heart disease. An analysis of 36 studies published last year in the journal Circulation found that people who drink three to five cups of coffee a day were at the lowest risk of developing heart disease. (People who drank five or more cups a day didn’t have a higher risk than those who drank no coffee.)
Previous research published in the journal Diabetes Care also found that moderate consumption of decaf and regular coffee can lower a person’s risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
But the suicide link is especially intriguing. Can regularly drinking coffee really reduce a chance that someone will commit suicide?
Study co-author Qi Sun, MD, an assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, says yes. “It’s probably because of the caffeine,” he tells Yahoo Health. “It’s a central part of coffee and it’s known to boost people’s moods and make them feel happy.”
While the study found the effect was similar for regular and decaf coffee, Sun points out that decaf still contains a certain amount of caffeine.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 40,000 Americans commit suicide each year, making it the 10th leading cause of death.
Previous research has also established a link between a lowered risk of suicide and coffee consumption. A 16-year Harvard study published in the World Journal of Biological Psychiatryin 2013 found that drinking two to four cups of caffeinated coffee a day can lower a person’s risk of suicide by 50 percent.
“At low to moderate doses, caffeine has well-known psycho-stimulant effects, such as improved psychomotor performance, increased vigilance, elevated arousal, and increased sensations of well-being and energy,” Michel Lucas, PhD, a visiting scientist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, who co-authored the 2013 coffee study, tells Yahoo Health.
But he says more may be at play than just caffeine: “It is possible that non-coffee drinkers are predisposed to depression/suicide because of other reasons and that increasing their coffee intake will not help.”
While the reason for the link is still somewhat unclear, Lucas says recent research should reassure coffee drinkers that their daily cup (or three) may be boosting their health.
However, he says people shouldn’t misinterpret the results. “We’re not at the point where we can say, ‘Drink coffee so you won’t get depressed,’” he says.
Research has found there’s a limit to the benefits of coffee drinking and a person’s suicide risk. A study published in the European Journal of Epidemiology found that people who drank eight or more cups of coffee a day had a 58 percent greater risk of suicide than those who drank less.
Sun stresses that coffee isn’t the answer for everything, but it can help a person stay healthy. “Coffee is not a magic bullet,” he says. “But if you can drink coffee as part of a health diet and lifestyle, that will be great.”
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Miguel Cotto vs. Canelo Alvarez: 4 Reasons Why Canelo Will Win On Saturday

Canelo Alvarez
Canelo Alvarez has more size and punching power than Miguel Cotto. Getty 

Canelo Alvarez (R)and Miguel Cotto(L)

Canelo Alvarez and Miguel Cotto are two of the best boxers in the world, so it wouldn’t be a shock for either one to emerge victorious when they meet in Las Vegas on Saturday. But Alvarez is the betting favorite, and he has better odds for a reason.
Alvarez has barely tasted defeat in his career, losing only to Floyd Mayweather, who’s made every opponent, including Cotto, look pedestrian. Cotto has four career losses, and defeat No.5 could be coming on Saturday.
Cotto was stripped of the WBC middleweight belt on Tuesday for refusing to pay a sanctioning fee. He’s still the lineal champion, but Alvarez would be awarded the now-vacant belt with a victory.
Below are four reasons why Alvarez will beat Cotto in their highly anticipated fight.
Size Advantage
Alvarez’s last three bouts have been at 154 pounds, while Cotto has fought back-to-back fights at catch weights of 159 pounds and 157 pounds. But Alvarez is naturally bigger, giving him a distinct advantage on Saturday.
The two boxers will fight at a catch weight of 155 pounds, and Alvarez will have the clear size advantage. At 5’9, he stands two inches taller than Cotto, and his reach of 70.5” gives him a 3.5-inch edge over his opponent. Considering Alvarez usually weighs around 170 pounds on fight night, he could be over 175 pounds when he steps in the ring with Cotto. That might be too much for Cotto, who is a smaller middleweight than most, to handle.
Punching Power
Following the mega-fight between Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao that bored many casual boxing fans to tears, promoter Oscar De La Hoya has promised a much more entertaining fight with non-stop action. If that’s the case and the fight doesn’t go the distance, Alvarez is more likely to score the knockout victory.
Both boxers have the ability to end the fight early, combining for 65 knockouts in 91 career fights. Austin Trout and Alfonso Gomez, both of whom have been in the ring with Alvarez and Cotto, told that Alvarez is the harder puncher. Cotto has been knocked out twice in his career, and he’ll be in trouble if the boxers engage in a brawl.
Age Difference
Cotto experienced a resurgence when he teamed up with trainer Freddie Roach, winning his last three fights by knockout. But he’s still 35 years old, and he’s at a disadvantage against the boxer that is 10 years his junior.
Cotto has had a Hall-of-Fame career, but he’s already peaked. Alvarez is getting better with every fight, and the boxing world still hasn’t seen the best he has to offer, even after going 45-1-1 to start his career. The betting favorite unleashed hell on James Kirkland in a third-round knockout six months ago, and Cotto won’t survive the same barrage of punches that Alvarez’s last opponent faced.
Both boxers obviously want to win on Saturday, but the fight holds a different level of importance for Cotto and Alvarez. Cotto doesn’t have much more to accomplish in his career, and when he retires in the not so distant future he’ll go down as one of the best fighters of his generation. Alvarez has only begun to write his legacy, and his quest for greatness begins with a win against Cotto.
Alvarez is recognized as the No.1 junior middleweight, but he’s looking for the first true marquee victory of his career. Cotto’s legacy is largely intact, and a victory is not nearly as important to him as it is for Alvarez.